Frequently asked questions about admissions to the school and about the school itself.

For any more information please contact our Admissions department on 01784 494 053.

How big are the class sizes?

20 is our maximum class size although most classes are currently up to 16 pupils.

The ratio of staff to pupils in Nursery is 1:8.

Will my child have to sit an entrance exam?

The school is keen to assist parents in finding the right fit for their child and their family as a whole. Places are therefore offered following a meeting with the Headteacher and a candidate’s subsequent taster and assessment day at the school.

Whilst St John’s is academically non-selective, children in Year 2 and above will undertake a literacy and numeracy assessment during their taster day with us so we can see where they sit within our current cohort.

International applicants applying for a place in Yea5 5 and above are required to take the UKiset exam.

Do you cater for all abilities?

St John’s is able to cater for a wide range of abilities and can provide limited support for children with SEN or EAL needs. However, parents should recognise that the school day and the demands placed on each child are notable. It is important for a pupil’s sense of confidence and achievement that he is able to contribute fully to the life of the school. The school together with parents makes every effort to ensure that this environment is right for each child.

How Religious is St John’s?

St John’s is a Roman Catholic Jesuit school. The School positively welcome applicants from all religious beliefs and non-faith backgrounds but it is important that parents who choose St John’s do so in the knowledge that their children will be educated in a Roman Catholic environment and their attendance at morning assembly and other religious services that occur throughout the year is compulsory. The Religious Education syllabus follows that which is laid down by the Roman Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales and pupils are introduced to all major religions as part of our Religious Education, PHSE and morning assembly programme.

Do you provide before and after school care?

St John’s Beaumont School provides a comprehensive and flexible after school care programme that is heavily subsidised to support the routines of our professional families. Please see further information here.

Does the School offer a variety of extra-curricular activities?

The school runs a very large number of extra-curricular activities. For some children, their personal strength may often lie outside of the academic curriculum and it is important that these are recognised to the greatest extent possible within the structure of the school.

The list of activities include everything from sports to crocheting and quiz club.

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Are you a sporty School?

Sport is an integral part of life at St John’s but not to the detriment of other important aspects including music, art and drama.

From Nursery, pupils will take part in PE & swimming lessons each week. In Year 2 games lessons are introduced. From Year 3 onwards all pupils will have games, PE or swimming sessions totaling four days a week.

Pupils enjoy a wide range of sporting opportunities including rugby, cricket, football, swimming, tennis, rock-climbing, golf, athletics, rowing and gymnastics. All pupils from Bellarmine to Rudiments (Years 3 to 8) will represent the school in a team each term.

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Are Music and Art important aspects of School life?

Music, Art and Drama are very strong at St John’s, both in the number of pupils who pursue these subjects after school and the standard that they achieve in each. More importantly though is the importance that is attached to each of these disciplines. Students who excel or enjoy these subjects are recognised equally throughout the school and their achievements valued highly.